Letra de Petal
Once a polytito, when our young world was fresh and universe

With just England, a beauty garden

A young lad set out in the early morning

To findeth deep wisdom and true love in flower petals allayed


It's difficult these days to get good grass

If you believe in me

If you believe in love


Follow me into blue skies above


You fascinate me

You-you-you petal

you-you fascinate me


Done, relax

She loves me

She's not so loved


To be an England lad, all summer in joy

Deep love, no question there, lad

If you believe in (?X)

Follow me into blue skies above

You-you-you petal

you-you fascinate me


Suddenly the lad, on the realization that the whole universe is just like that, forgot he shut me out and began to wobble

This is Stanley and me singing off, eh

With wobble-U, all joy-filled

Goodbye now