Letra de Mazine
I can't stay up
The day's too long
To sit and listen
To you as your words
Destroy my mind
Sit back and let
The apathetic instincts
Be the chaser
To the life that you considered
A waste of time

I know, I know that everything
Just seems too irrelevant to describe
And then the feelings wash away

I took a drag of my cigarette
And flicked it, then I said
"This may come as a shock
But I'm sorry, Maxine
It's just I'm not really listening
I'm just waiting for my turn to talk"

I've had enough
This house smells stale
I know that every pleasant scent
Will change like tides

It takes about another 40 ox.
And a selfless senseless suicide
To resurrect my pride

I wish you had the chance
To see all the skeletons
My closet had to hide

I know, I know that everything
Just seems too irrelevant to describe