I Give This Too Letra

Riot Act

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Letra de I Give This Too
As right as I am is as wrong I can be

Be me

Can you be me?

Black as the sun

As cold as the sea

See me

Can you see me?

I'm gonna take you on a trip

just to see you fall

It's just a dream

A dream after all

I'm not gonna let you give in

Make up your mind...

This time

I couldn't stop this ride

I want all day and all night

It's one of those things where you don't

Stop to think... Yeah!

On and on I rolled

To where, I just don't know

The only thing I see

Is we'll be doing it right, tonight

You gave a lot, that's true

But what about all those things

That I gave to you?

I give this too

Open your eyes and see

It could be so easy

I don't know if it's real

Is it only a dream?



I give this too, I'll give it to you

Would you give to me?

That's the way it seems

Can't you see what it means

If you give a little piece to me

I don't know what to do

To get through

What you give...

Give it to you