Six Days Too Late Letra

John Lampson

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Letra de Six Days Too Late
You look like imagination's rendering
With beauty as the ultimate goal
No sense in wondering what the other's are like
I've found you and that's all I need

And you're waiting for a sign
And you've waited a long time
The waiting is the hardest part
So hard, so hard, so hard.

We're running away from what could be
The happiest time in the longest life.
Does it matter more that I was six days too late
Or that I'm here with you right now?

And you're waiting for a sign
And you've waited a long time
The waiting is the hardest part
So hard, so hard, so hard.

Now I'm out; I'm all on my own
You've run away and you've left home.
I couldn't stop you, no matter how much I tried
You still my heart and you stole this day.

And you're waiting for a sign
And you've waited a long time
The waiting is the hardest part
So hard, so hard, so hard.