
A conveniently vague prophecy written in blank verse The soothsayer's hyperbole foreseeing the final curse The choice is yours to believe or deny the words of the charlatan A needy shepherd in search of a flock to nourish his conceit State the obvious and they listen in awe to portents of imminent doom Religious theatre the only truth in the opal eyes of a fey child Subjugate yourself to the blood you hold onto The misery of past lives and endless genealogies Superstition and ignorance augment inferiority Eager to please - easy to manipulate In the darkness of the pagan's crypt, the bones were cast and burned The tarot spoke of the sins of the past as they gambled with their lives The torchlight flickered before the icons blind, deaf and mute The centurion dogs of Hades realm bayed for a sacrifice The high priest of the worshippers raised his hands and cried Greedy for the offering from the faithful, witless mob Expecting a reward, bowed heads and folded hands When the frankincense failed, revealed the bitterness of lies The candles all melted, the wax was as rock, the wine it served them well! The ashes of temples, the dust of captivity scattered on the wind 2012, the cosmogenesis, the coming golden age But the thirteenth moon faded, the sun took its place and morning came again Liberty from tyranny and unfounded agony Letras de cancionesLife remains a mystery, now we comprehend No longer in bondage to the illusion of power We've chosen freewill, the law of the random So many things for mankind to learn again Only this time without fear From Letras Mania