Montes Rook

Sore Tear
Shorter light closes in on 81, it's been touch and go for a while. Worn soles nearing the floor. What I wouldn't give to see you smile. Flesh tone colored houses take a soft pastel form. It resembles tiny pebbles beneath ocean soaked shores.Shapes go by. Blending dyes.The sky is gold. The clouds look like they want to tell me something. Not sure where the wind's blowing, but I know where it takes me. Faint buttons pushed and turned make bad news travel far. Dotted yellow lines as guides bring me to where you are. Lonely rhythms keep the time. They're loud enough to see. While shadows outside windows keep me company. Steep hills, uneven pavement keep priorities inside. Warm homes and warmer arms make it worth the ride.Shapes go by. Blending lights. Stinging eyes. Machines alive.If you feel like you're lost, then you probably are From Letras Mania