Letra de Anna Apera
Eisteddodd Anna ar y traeth
Gyda siwt nofio piws Uncle Harry
Gyda poced bach yn y cefn
Poced bach yn y cefn am hufen ia a pethau felly

Dyma'r dyddiau chi'n cofio trwy'r gaeaf
Dyma'r unig dyddiau sy'n cadw chi'n fynd
Yr unig dyddiau chi isie i cadw chi fynd

Mae Anna byth wedi cael ei
Mae Anna byth wedi cael ei cusanu, cusanu...

Tu fas mae'r lleuad yn canu
O leiaf roedd Anna'n fodlon rhannu...

Bob tro Anna teimlo'n llwyd
Methu methu methu bwyta ei bwyd
Mae'n meddwl am yr arglwydd Iesu
Ti'n gweld mae Anna, Anna, Anna
Byth wedi cael i cusanu, cusanu

Anna sat on the beach
With Uncle Harry's purple swimming costume
With a little pocket at the back
A little pocket at the back for ice cream and such things

These are the days you remember through winter
These are the only days that keep you going
The only days you want to keep you going

Anna has never been
Anna has never been kissed, kissed

Outside the moon is singing
At least Anna's willing to share

Every time that Anna's feeling grey
Can't can't can't eat her food
She thinks about the lord Jesus
You see Anna, Anna, Anna
Never been kissed, kissed