Mon Ange (Per Aspera Ad Astra) Letra


Ad Sidera, Ad Infinitum

Letra de Mon Ange (Per Aspera Ad Astra)
Somewhere... in time and out of time
In love to hatred, in hatred to love
I was born
And I hung between heaven and earth, between beauty and banality, between enchantment and a culmination of life.
My sisters - stars - endow heaven with beauty twinkling seductively with their horrified eyes;
Yet they can't love so much & hate that much
With one breath of solitary lust
This one breath obscures their gleam so much unstable...
And I rise over the peaks to extol your beauty of virgin which with its grandeur sadden the prodigious angels...
I hate all that lasts only a while.
the shine of wretched stars.
In a downpour of love at Your gate of passion I stand.
You're my heart!!! A pearl in the
Universe of stone...
Love me forever