Shawn Phillips

Motes Of Dust
Motes of dust fly through the air they're dancing in his vacant stare The hollows in his cheeks are haunted shadows And down below the sea is strong, the wind it whips itself a froth A storm is coming on, let's hope it passes But storms will come with squalling rain and lightning hurled in screaming pain The night becomes like mind left standing helpless But thunder dies away in time to leave the silence so sublime And once again the need for light is urgent Though even in the center stage A paler light doth he make rage Than those who live their lives in poorest splendor And diamonds yet festoon the trees If you but have the eyes to see To share it with the ones that you are loving To cast your force into the land in hopes that you can make a plan To live, let others live and not regret it And love is peace and God is war You've seen it all go down before And more's the shame to stand by while it's happening For we are like the storms at sea A moment's life like lightning be Ourselves our only slaves And only masters From Letras Mania