Moxy FráƒÂ¼vous

A look at history reveals Slowly turning wheels 'til we put some steam Into our energy Thomas Edison then said hallelujia amen and wired us all for electricity 'long came a moving machine that fed on gasoline and our travel plans all turned to fancy free our cities blazed with light it was our new birthright to have more energy consuming gadgetry but soon those carefree days took on a troubling haze 'cause of the energy spending habits we embraced our houses leaked their heat our light bulbs really eat that electricity that we so often waste the way we mobilize Letras de cancionesis really quite unwise it's a costly way to get from A to B when we're behind the wheel in our own automobile we're on an energy spending spree time to change time to lower our demand before those greenhouse gases get out of hand efficiency is comin' in style switching off will save you a pile choosing the light with a small appetite to be energy hip you've got to weatherstrip efficiency is doing it smart double the use when you make that juice talkin' 'bout cogeneration talkin' 'bout cogeneration your savings will jump when you use a heat pump the energy key is efficiency From Letras Mania