Mental As Anything

Surfer Joe Resevieted
Traded in his woody on a 4x4 Threw his okanuis in a bag for the second-hand store Got a four-wheel drive with a Cruise Control He's a pirate of the highway with a silicone soul He had a mop-top, now he's got a lap-top LAP TOP! Used to ride a Malibu - everyone said look at him go Now he's on the 'net', everyone says watch him grow He can get to Surf City on the internet oooooooooh, but he never gets wet He had a mop-top, now he's got a lap-top LAP TOP! He had a mop-top, now he's got a lap-top LAP TOP! Traded in his woody on a 4x4 Threw his okanuis in a bag for the second-hand store He can get to Surf City on the internet oooooooooh but he never gets wet Surfer Joe, watch him grow! Surfer Joe, watch him grow! From Letras Mania