Rebel aka UniKKatiL

Ule Kryt
Remix UniKKatil, B52, CyaNide & N.a.G Intro: The motherfucking Remix, Rebel , Unikkatil, and my young shiptart, The Alboholics, kicking up dust, making motherfuckas bleed.. Unikkatil You're on a battle with a freestyle, I battle with a weapon, New York Albanians, thats who I'm rapping, stepp in, to the world, of this imigrant, hey gangsta say "oh shit its him again", cause see I chew Eminems, melt Vanilla Ices, fuck with me son, I'll put this world on crisis, you like this, cause I wont fight or whimp, I'll just eat him like a shrimp, if he's acting like a pimp, cause there's nothing that I hate more, than a fake cat, acting like a killa, while you aint shoot jack, I say what I say son, thats how I feel, and through the storming weather, yo I try to keep it real, I never killed no men, but I stabbed like ten, and I swear to my moms, I'll do it again, and then I forgot, I shot a man once, lucky bastard lived cause i had cheap guns, Refreni: 2x 2 B52 I kom premtu nanes tem, qi n'jet ka me arrit, hina ne ket loj, per me qit diqka n'drit, nuk hina ne ket loj men per me ju shit, boll durova se kom n'jet ma me prit, me kta t'trit dijenin, un du me nda, gjithkush me kallxu ka diqka ka, pra hapi vesht, edhe ngo ti knejna, se ne ket industri ka shum ajrokrema, qe shiten mangupa a hala vnojn pelena, krahasom mu me tjert, gjithka vrena, jom ma i pjekun, ma gjentelmen, em, karin ma t'madh i joti doket qe po flen, ti veq rren, se venin tem sun e nxen, nese kjo loj thirret anije, ti nuk je kapiten, ajo osht fantazem, ai sen nuk imagjinohet, Gzimi s'livrit pi venit, kur niher stabilizohet.. Refreni: 2x CyaNide Rima jem vjen pi zemre, e jotja rrjedh pi fjalorit, ti merr nota ne klas, un mi i laboratorit, un jom numer njo, ti as mas dyshit s'vjen, kangt qe ti i bon, un ja lshoj gjyshit tem, mem ndigju pak pertej, knej ki mujt mu kall, me t'shiqu kur te vrej, ti ngjej tingujt ne ball, n'mahall ti je piqkpirik, po na ktu lujm hant, ti je ushtar i rruges? ateher un jom komandant, ftyr zemer, themer sy, un jom i ndertum pi gurit, un t'hi mrena ne kry, ti marr idejat pi trunit, me mu ti sbon mu shty, se ala ki zemer pule, sot je tu me sha, neser n'kufom prind tu t'lan lule, se qysh kari ki dek, as me autopsi smujn me dit, ta kqyrin trupin per shenja, asni plag stu ka rrit, ta kqyrin kryt per plumba, asni bir stu ka ngjit, per veq se goja e hapur, pi kahit ta kom nxjerr at shpirt... Refreni: 2x N.a.G Kape kryt n'dor, e therrja ka shpia, ket her kom ardh me Uzi, e jo alltia, qitash me t'kap ndor, ti marr paret qe mi ki borxh, pidhin ta kidnapoj, n'Florid shkoj edhe nfun te bombradoj, i lindun negativ, kom ardh nga natyra, haveri jem mati fjalt, sepse te shkon ftyra, menyra per zgjidhjen e problemeve nuk ekziston, mos rrini me Visarin sepse rrugve tkqia ju qon, djali babes ngo mamin ton, ajo ka qef, ti me kry shkollen e mesme, e me shku n'fakulltet, me marr ni nuse tmir, qi ja bon punt e shpis kejt, nuse puntore, po ta jep pidhin kur ti qohet vet, lej kto dallavera e mos bo hajgare, un nuk t'shaj per okolla, po tshaj ashiqare, ti je morr i vogel per mu, tpi si cigare, tipi po munohet me msu msusin per abetare.. Refreni: 2x Outro: yea, and to all the cockuckas who try to diss me and without even saying my name, we allways keep it bloody,come say that shit to my face and I'll show you what time it is, cause see you got used to fucking wit herbs, and I aint into that freestyle battle bullshit, come see me From Letras Mania